Special Programs

The programs listed below will be offered whenever you see "special program days" on our calendar.


"Tank Time" is an exciting new program that we have developed for our students.  School Holiday?  Need an activity to keep the kids buys?  Looking for a way to get more excercise into your child's day off?  "Tank Time" offers a wonderful opportunity for your children to enjoy organized playtime with their Aqua Tots instructors.  We will organize a series of games and sports for the older students that will transform our pool from a classroom into an underwater playground.  Vollyball, Basketball, Sunken Treasure Dive, Magic Carpet Rides, Ship to Shore, Races & MORE!  All the games & races will be designed and supervised by our amazing Swim Tank Staff!

Program Requirement - (Swim Tank Families Only) Children must be 5 or older and Jellyfish level or higher. Cost= $25.00 per child for 60 min.

Just like Tank Time our Jr Tank Time will be full of fun games and races, just scaled down to our younger students age and abilities.  Children will be in the pool for 30 min of organized activities. 


Program Requirement - (Currently Enrolled Students Only) Children must be 3 - 5 yrs of age HERMIT CRAB & Up.  The cost is $15 per child and we will maintain a 3:1 student to teacher ratio for this Jr. age/level so that each child can fully enjoy and paticipate in the games and activities.  

Jan 20 - 10:00Jan 20 - 10:00, 10:30

(60 minutes) 45 minutes of hands on instruction where the teacher will break down one specific stroke for the students. Instruction will be followed by 15 minutes of free swim.    

Program Requirement - Students must be 5 years old and have a seahorse badge or higher.  The ratio is 4:1.  The cost is $35.  

30 minute classes with a 2:1 ratio.  Student must be 30 months old. Cost is $30 per child.
Jan 20 - 9:00, 4:00, 5:00 Jan 20 - 9:00, 9:30, 1:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30
(55 minutes long and $25 per family)
Jan 20 - 11:00, 2:00 Jan 20 - 11:00